For this Month's
RCI-Cuisine of Bihar hosted by
Sangeeta of Ghar ka Khana,I decided to make simple and authentic Bhirai Bhunjia(Dry crispy curry) using aloo, for which we need a mixture of 5 spice called Panchforan/Panchapurna. This is the first time I used this spice and really liked the crunch of it with aloo. Read about Bhunjia
I followed the recipe of Mohita Prasad from
Here is how I made Aalu Bhunjia
3 Potatoes - Thinly sliced and skin removed
Turmeric powder, red chilli powder, corriender- cumin powder 1 tsp of each.
For Panchaforan/5 spice
- Saunf/Fennel Seeds
- Sarson/Mustard seeds
- Methi/Fenugreek seeds
- Ajwain/Carom seeds
- Mangraila/Nigella seeds/Onion seeds ( 1tsp of each mixed together)
- Heat oil in a pan add about 2 tsb of panchforan/5 spice mix and add potatoes and fry untill crisp on outside. Takes about 5- 7 minutes on med- high heat.
- Add all the spice powders, salt mix well . This is how I made Aalu Bhunjia.

Along with Bhunjia I made channadal curry and mooli methi paratha .
For ChannaDal curry-Cook 1/2 cup of channa dal till soft. Chop onion ,tomatoes and green chilles and do the tempering with oil and mustard seeds. Saute veggies and add to cooked channa dal. Adjust salt to taste.
For Mooli-Methi Paratha- 2 cups of Whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup of grated white raddish/mooli and 2 tbsp of dried fenugreek leaves/ methi leaves. Mix everthing together with little salt and chilli power with enough water to make to stiff dough. Make parathas.
We enjoyed our rustic Bhirai meal.